【バイオハザード RE:4】やっぱり一人は怖いです。ネタバレあり #6

Hello everyone, I’d like to continue playing Resident Evil RE4 today as well as yesterday. So, as always, we’ll start by checking the sound. Please wait . Sound confirmation. Sound confirmation. Enjoy the sound. Please wait a moment . [Music ] Yes, it’s coming out. Is it working? Please wait a moment. I’m checking the sound. It’s okay . It’s okay . Okay . Chemo is coming out too. The more I think about it , the more I think about it, the more I get flustered and my hands start sweating. What is this phenomenon called? Well, please wait a second. I’m sorry. Please wait a moment. The screen says ok, ok, are you okay? Yes. So let’s get started right away. Yesterday, I just finished a chapter, and this time I’m starting a new chapter. Let’s continue. We’ve entered Chapter 8. Until Ashley suddenly pointed a knife at Leon and walked away into the depths of white. I’m as insecure as anyone else, so I’m not sure how fast I’ve read it. I took refuge in a castle, but I’m separated from my target . Hey, what’s going on? What’s going on with the helicopter? What’s going on? Wait, wait, wait. Please turn up the sound a little. Why are you so nervous? The map is being updated over there. Yesterday, uh, hello. Hello, welcome . Thank you for your emotional support today and today. It’s a world like this, so give us a little emotional support. Let’s all support each other. I’m just a person who is supporting me by saying, “Let’s all support each other.” I, uh , wait a second, uh, if this is not working right now, then you’re saying, oh, let’s go from the left. Even though Ashley and I came together from None Mizu, it seems that the parasite Plaga that was embedded in Ashley’s body has started to go wild.I thought about that from yesterday’s broadcast. Yesterday, when I screamed too much, I let out a scream that surprised even me, and I thought it might be a good idea to write something like "Caution for screaming" in the title , but I haven’t played it yet. If you’re watching, please be careful of that audio. My audio is a bit complicated, so wait a minute. Is the equipment okay? Hey, look at the new death. Did you do it yesterday? Wait a minute. Trade. We can exchange herbs.We can exchange herbs and gunpowder.We love herbs.They can be used as medicine or as poison.Is there something wrong with this merchant?This merchant with a certain appearance loves medicine. I get a little nervous when I say "Hey, wait a minute . I wonder if this medicine is really safe. I’m losing money here, I’m losing my life, but I’ll sell it. I’ll sell what sells. Wait a minute. I’ll sell what sells." Well , we’re the ones who decide the value of the underground keys and all the junk. Hello, hello, Ashley. I’m looking for you. I won’t do that. Ashley, that Plaga that’s embedded inside her. Plaga went wild and things changed for a moment , but she was probably the one who was the most scared. She didn’t really have to combine this and that. There’s also gold nuggets, which sell pretty well. I feel like she’s got the skills to combine things. But I don’t need Achiro’s key anymore. I got something a little rare for Niro. Well, I’m going to get some. The key that the corpse was carrying on his arm. Items that I want to quickly dispose of are also welcome. Please take that with you. I don’t want to buy it.It’ll make a lot of money.Okay, I’ll sell it and trade it at a higher price.The merchant’s voice is good.What should I do?I won’t repair the combat knife yet.If you want to stay, modify the weapon. Yeah , it’s like Blacktail, wait a minute, that’s for sure.Before that, there’s something I need to change.Ah, there’s body armor.I got a new buddy.A stranger.I want to survive.It completely prevents damage from shots and explosions . Body protective clothing that reduces damage from attacks This is an absolute necessity.The durability value lost due to damage can be repaired at the shop.There is also a repair service that allows you to reuse it.I wonder why it has been so long since I played so many games. Yeah, it’s definitely a knife. It’s a knife. It’s a choice between losing your life and holding it. I thought it was dropped in an area where I can’t go, but it was there. It was definitely a body armor. I bought it. Now that I’m already the strongest, I have no choice but to improve my weapons. Customization is justice. Well, it’s all about well -maintained death. We guarantee that this is good, so I’ll buy the next one. No , it’s Magnum, Magnum, or Rokeran . After all, Rokeran has a power of 15. It’s level 1, and the width is only 6, and it’s in the attache case , so I guess there’s nothing to buy, so I ‘ll strengthen it. As I continue to strengthen the color power, I’ll make adjustments to suit the weapon. Blood Tail I’ll strengthen it first and understand Black’s art, which is my favorite. This guy is irresistible. It’s a nice finish that increases the point speed of the shotgun. So, I ‘m going to increase Blacktail’s point speed. Now that I know what you like, I’m going to set Blacktail to max. I use it a lot, so I’m going to set it to max. I’m going to set it to max . Um , wait a minute, Riot Gun. Riot Gun. I’m going to keep it at power level 3. If I can’t pay you the right amount at the beginning, I won’t do business with you. If you’re not confident in your skills, you’ll have no choice but to change your weapon. Well, the rifle’s rate of fire is also a bit high. 2 is like this, wait a minute, and the medicine type is the herbal type, hmm, what should I do? I wonder if I’ll do a herb trade or not. Urukagan powder. Wait a minute. I’ve lost my back and eyes. Years are cruel, aren’t they? Well, I’m not okay with it. I’m going without buying it. I’m putting pressure on myself. I’m putting pressure on myself. You know, the way I fought yesterday made me think that I’m really bad at it. I think I’m going to be a bit scared today because I’m scared, but I’m sure there’s someone out there, but I’m waiting, waiting, living. This is the only place I can go. No, I came from the water hall, so I can’t go here, so I’m fine here. I’m alive. Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. Excuse me. What happened? This is that, right? Me. But with all the guys I’ve been fighting with, there’s always a sev near the merchant.That’s right.I didn’t save.Maybe it’s auto-save? Maybe it’s auto-save. Okay, let’s go, wait a minute, uhm, we can go here too, we can go down there too. I forgot to save . Gloria is there just now. Wait a minute, we can go from here too. Gloria La Sula won’t open. This one won’t open. Oororia La Sula is here. I’m here , I’m going, I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m going to offer my heart to you. The voice of the bad fluid lives in the flames and guides the poor girl to stability. I can’t read kanji, but I ‘ll give it anyway. I’m surprised. Wait a minute. I’m surprised. I’m surprised, but I’m surprised. I’m surprised, but I’m surprised. There’s a flame in the sun . Hey , he’s just sitting next to my little grandma. What about his Shiba? I’m going to step back for a moment, but I don’t have this. There’s no more advance bullets. By the way, wait a minute. What’s going on? There’s a storage room. Hmm, from this staircase to the stairs in the back. Take it I have no choice but to go.Where is Ashley?Ashley is here.Is she hiding over here ?Maybe I have no choice but to go around and around.I have no choice but to go now.Ah , when will I do it? I feel good, let’s go, fight, fight, the party is over, wait, wait, wait, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, I made a mistake. I have no choice but to go with a shotgun.What kind of voice ? Hey, hey, hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, let me shoot, oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , wait Oh, bomb, bomb, bomb, oh, die, die, die, die, dead, what should I do? I’m not very good at all, after all, it wouldn’t work if I just had spirit , but there were explosives, so I’d like to gather them at that explosive and blow up the enemy. So, wait a minute, it’s tough because there’s no advance bullet.Wait a minute, can’t you make a advance bullet? Wait a minute.Is there a recipe to make a little advance group ?Wait, what recipe do I start with ?The only recipes I have are magnum bullets and bolt bolt reading. I ‘m just wanting to ask me, I’m sorry I don’t know, it’s okay to save a little bit, so I ‘m really sorry for my fighting in the battle of yesterday, so I’m really sorry and my fight I’m so bad at it, so today is today’s goal. I’m scared, but I’m scared, but I ‘m scared. It’s just Glenn’s flame. This is Glenn’s flame. Let’s dedicate Glenn’s flame to the rightful seat. This is probably what we’re talking about here. It’s not possible, right? I’m supposed to be able to ride something like this.For now, I’m going to go to the barrel and hit the barrel , so I’ll skip here for a moment . You can go, you can shoot the barrels, yes , yes, what’s going on, what’s going on ? Okay , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , there’s one more barrel, right? Wait, wait, wait, just run it once Wait, it’s going to grow that much, I haven’t heard that it’s going to grow that much. Hey , hey, hey, hey, wait a minute, wait, I bought an armor, I put on an armor, I put on an armor, wait a minute, should I use this? Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute , I’m going to use this, it hurts after I get shot. No, let’s use it now. Use it now. Nene , Nene, Nene, Nene, I went there and didn’t come here. Oh no, no, no , no, wait, wait, wait, no, no, don’t give up. This was meant to help. My consciousness had meaning, it had meaning now , Loria, Gloria, has no meaning, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here too, there’s no need to fight here alone.Where are you coming from?Where are you coming from? Oh , they’re already coming from here and here Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait It just so happens [Music] What is this guy? There’s no Uyabe, Bee, get off, get off or get off or get off, get over, go well OK OO OK OK OK Let ‘s climb up Let’s climb [Music] Waiting for Ashley’s voice I don’t have Ashley , I don’t hear Ashley’s voice , okay, lure me over here, come here, come here, come here, oh wait, wait, don’t come from that way, don’t come from that way, come from that way, come from that way, come from that way, come from that way, my head is over. It’s pointless if this guy doesn’t do it Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good , good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, wait a minute," it’s getting a little heated. It’s getting a little hot. It’s getting too tight, it’s too bad. This guy did it too . I don’t have any bullets.Wait a minute.Maybe I should make some bullets.I don’t have any bullets for my handgun.I have a submachine gun.I might have to make a submachine gun.If that happens, I can go ahead and make a first bullet.I’ve made one.I’ll do it now. All I can do is take you with me. Oh, oh, oh , oh, oh, oh wait, it’s too hot. Well, I got Shinju and Ruby’s mirror. It’s so cute. Wow, I got a cute mirror. I learned a little while collecting items. Well, in this fight right now, if I’m just freaking out and making changes all the time , I won’t notice these exploding barrels, so I’m going to move forward with the feeling that the first one is guaranteed to win, and I ‘m wondering where I can fight first. It’s important to know where you can move around and what’s out there.This is it.There was something like this.You could use it.There were bullets and things like that, too.The barrels were there, too.I looked closely. If you look closely and use what you can use, you’ll end up catching enemies coming from the front.Like this battle, I wanted to lure the enemies coming from the front to one place and gather them at that barrel. So, I thought I was trying to lure her in so I could hit her with a barrel, but she gets caught from behind.Once she gets caught, I don’t know what to do anymore.I’m already getting anxious , so what should I do? Oh, so what should I do in the end? You won’t know if it’s going to fall unless you try it, and when you see that kind of gimmick while it’s moving around, no, it ‘s a gimmick that only works after you defeat it. Even if it’s like Momon, I’m making my own judgments, and even if I do this now, I’m going to be attacked from behind anyway, so this is it , right? Why don’t you get on top of my hand ? I thought this gimmick was something to do slowly after defeating the enemy, so I never thought it could be used for upside down attacks.Here , I can open the lock . It’s going to be open in the middle of the day, and now we have to be together. Luis Luis also said that he’s in the courtyard, but the courtyard is where Ashley and I just broke up yesterday. Okay, maybe. Wait a minute. It might be better to have a preliminary bullet, like a submachine gun bullet or a rifle bullet . It’s dark, so that head is squishy and squishy. It’s pretty hard when they come.When such a large number of people come , I wonder if I’ll be able to get an advance shot.There aren’t many handguns. Please come, I want to meet someone. Why don’t you just stay still? This person’s face is amazing. I won’t let you use that type of face. Even though it’s been 6 years, it’s a nice greeting. Ada. I’m not surprised. It’s interesting. I understand. To whom? Is it similar? It’s easier to remember this way. It’s nice to be stingy. It’s not bad. Hey, good job, who hired you this time? Oh, Leo, you know, right? You don’t answer . I thought you looked like someone who looked like Suzu Hirose, but it’s too late for that girl. Leave her and go home. There’s still time for Shuri. Then we’ll meet again, and when we do, you’ll greet me the way you want. You think I’ll give up easily ? Well, I guess I did. I won’t continue this story again. I haven’t seen Part 2. With Ada. I don’t understand the relationship , but if we don’t play friend or foe, then we’re not enemies.If we don’t agree with each other, then we’re not enemies.Wait a minute, she looks like Suzu Hirose. She doesn’t look like anyone, but she’s really beautiful.She looks like someone, but she has a Japanese beauty feel to her.What’s Leon like? American AmericaWeird Stone Tablet This is exactly what it is, but it doesn’t seem like it’s something you can just put in. Let’s collect it for now. There’s probably some. There’s probably other stone tablets, too, based on my theory. There’s a strange stone tablet. Besides, there’s no key. There’s no key. It’s a really small key. There are far more locked chests of drawers than small keys lying around, but oh , I like that gorgeous table clock.I love that antique antique effect.Ah, I was so surprised.Are you that surprised?I was so scared . I was really scared. There’s a lot of good meat being dried here. Delicious meat like bacon is being dried. I wonder if my eyes have turned into knotholes. It’s rotten meat or something. It’s like sludge is gushing out. I’ve been looking at it all the time, so that meat looks really delicious. It looks like delicious bacon. I wonder if my eyes are rotten. I used this. Wait. I didn’t take 2. Oh, I put two in. Oh, why , uh, wait. I can’t move it, so I guess I should apply this to each of these things. Ah, no, no, wait, what does this mean? The thing is, it’s not this stone tablet, it’s the shape of the edge of the original picture written on this wall.Some are squares, some are 12345 squares, some are hexagons, so this is a hexagon.This is the only hexagon.This is the only one that is not a hexagon. What swords are the same? There are two swords on the stone tablet. There are two swords. The mark on the stone tablet is two swords. The rest is the body protector, the head guard , and the one that looks like a helmet. The color is red . What can we derive from this? Sword and Sword It’s not like rock-paper-scissors-Pong. It’s like Rock-Paper-Scissors-Pong . That mark on the wall is fading. I can turn it over. Wait a minute. L1 Oh, it’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It ‘s true. Do you mean apply this normally ? Wait a minute , do this once, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no. And wait, this is this , and this is what I was waiting for.The color is different.The color is not blue-blue, so let’s exchange it with this , and then let’s rotate this.Bingo, okay, oh, this is where it is.It’s totally different, like pop.I took what I could get. This is a locked chest of drawers, so I have to shut up. There’s a rat. I have to find Asiri. Wait , I ‘m sorry I just did it. Maybe it was a parent and child. Maybe there’s no need to deal with the rat anymore. There’s a rat. I’ve already done the mission, so I won’t do it again.I won’t do the mouse again.It’s still alive.It’s almost over.I’ll never do the mouse again.It’s still alive.What should I do?I don’t think I need to get too close to it.Maybe I’ll drop it. That’s what I thought, but it’s a waste of bullets. Now, uh, Illuminados point 3 Chapter 2 Hear the sound of the law echoing in the mountains. What do you read about this big rock? It’s not the rubble that turned into rubble and shattered the castle walls. What is this ? Look at how the night sky turns red! The sinful blood has turned into an elegance and dyed the sea. With our lives and the blood of our enemies, let’s atone for the sins of the past year. Yeah , there’s nothing in particular here. What’s going on? What ‘s going on? What’s going on? It’s like a licker. I don’t want to walk like that. I don’t like people who walk on walls that make noise like that . There’s a key. There’s a key. A small key. A small key pick. I’m going to go here and there. I’m sure there’s something waiting for me, but can I go and get it ? It’s nearby. I want to prepare myself, so I need time to calm down and go get it.I’m sure there will be a lot of Tass in the future, but I’m going to pick it up.It ‘s a pocket watch.I would have preferred something more expensive.Maybe this antitense. I don’t remember the exact price of the antique Sako pocket watch and the mirror that were sleeping inside, but I’m sure there were some really expensive ones and some not so expensive ones . Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait [ music] The clouds look like a combination of a bat and a cloud. It’s a real castle with all kinds of white stars . It’s really amazing, and there’s even a torture room. It’s weird, after all. It’s an animal. It’s not something you can put people in. It’s clearly a cage to keep people in. It’s locked, right? Stranger was surprised. Oh, good. You have all the stuff that Uruka doesn’t have. What should we do? Should we buy medicine? It’s not medicine, it’s medicine, it’s not medicine , it’s herbs, it’s gunpowder, and it’s cruel to have eyes on your back . I don’t think there is, so if you’re going to buy it by trade, you’ll probably want to buy gunpowder instead of herbs.As for weapons, when I have enough money later on, I’ll have to get this shotgun shotgun with confidence and customize it. I don’t have a righteous bullet, but I don’t have any heart. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. There’s only three more shots left in the handgun. Well then , the herbal type only has one red herb, so I’ll buy the first aid spray already. It’s better to say that if you buy Uruka first aid spray, you can do it without it.You should also buy the material.The right decision is not limitless, right? Body armorBody armorLet’s fix it a little.Even though I was like this, it came out really splendidly . 44,000 was a bit of a pitas, but I wonder how much the body was able to be fixed.Wouldn’t it have been better to fix it after it was more worn out?I ca n’t stand this guy.Other than that, I’m sure I’ll buy some gunpowder in trade. Okay , come again. Thank you. Now , I want some advance bullets, a few bullets for a submachine gun, a handgun bullet, and a shotgun bullet. I have n’t decided yet whether to make a submachine gun or a first hand grenade. I’ll decide later. Is it the advance bullet or the rifle? Wait a minute, I almost forgot to save. I wonder if it’s okay while I’m doing this. There’s something inside her, Ramo. I don’t want to see you. I need this. From now on, it’s Sazaza. It’s like a LaSalle stone, it’s like a LaSalle stone , I can shoot this , I can go, okay, but I can’t do it, I can’t do it, this is hitting, it’s weak, wait a minute, it’s okay, okay, okay, can I go? okay, there’s one more person here. Hey, I really want to go with the head in one shot, so please wait a moment.I’m curious about the crow on the left. Come on out. Yes, it’s coming out. Oh shit, the merchant who missed. I wonder if he’s running around with bullets. I’m sure he’s watching from behind. Come on out. Hey , damn, wait a minute, I really want to aim for the head.Okay, I can go.Okay, I can go.It ‘s still there.I’m aiming from here, so I have to shoot now.Snipers are fun , but this isn’t a sniper, damn it. It’s no good if you hit this red red arrow properly, thinking that the bullet will land at the bottom.Okay , zoom zoom. The zoom that is bouncing is here. Zoom, zoom, this is it. Now that I can only zoom up to 2, maybe it’s something like that. Is it possible to zoom in a bit more with an attachment or something? Please, handgun bullets, okay, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes. Oh, this is the courtyard, right ? Why can’t I get off? Why can’t I get off? Is it going to shoot? It’s coming, or some monster is coming. It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s waiting. It’s too bad. It’s so bad . I ‘m combining the bee , Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Well, I’m going to mix red and green here. It’s making a cracking sound. Shall I open this place? I can open it a little. Okay, there’s some kind of crackling sound. It ‘s coming from above. Wait a minute. You can’t go to the other side, you can’t go to the other side, you ca n’t go to the second floor. Can we go to the second floor? Let’s go upstairs for a second. I ‘m here . Three shots. Two or three shots. Two or three shots. Okay, my hips are okay. Is my hips okay? Now, okay. Shotgun, nice, nice, nice. [Music] Well, wait a minute. This is on the second floor. You can go up to the second floor. There’s also a diamond. First of all, let’s go to the second floor and go inside and open it. Where is the diamond? It’s on the stairs. Is it making a sound? It’s hanging somewhere . It’s making a sound. There’s a diamond somewhere. Wait a minute . There’s a diamond somewhere. It’s around here. There’s also a chance it’s below or below. It’s not even here. I don’t think there’s a diamond here. It’s not hanging above, so maybe there’s a basement here . It’s near the stairs, but there’s no sound at the stairs. Where the diamonds are, where the jewels are, it’s sharin sharin sharin. There’s a sound like knives grinding together, but I can’t go there. I can’t go here . I wonder if I’m going underground. I feel like I can hear some kind of crunching noise, but it’s open over there. That’s a diamond. There’s a diamond. There’s a diamond. Wait a minute, there’s a sound somewhere It’s making a sound It’s making a sound After all , it’s the same sound as the one with the diamond in it.Everyone in the container can hear it too. Even though it’s coming, I can’t hear it. No , when I come here, it’s different. It’s not here. But I can see that it’s here. I wonder if it’s underground. The 4 levels indicate this floor on the left. It’s divided into two, so maybe it’s different after all. I looked at it, but it’s not there, so I have to go . It’s better to just kill it here and defeat it. It’s okay here, okay, okay, okay. I wasted a bit of money. Even though it doesn’t attack me. Regardless, I wasted my money, oh, oh, I’m still alive. Come on, I can go there. I don’t have a gun. Wait, wait, wait, wait, I don’t have any more guns. I don’t have any more guns. Wait, I ‘d better make a shotgun subma. Wait , after all. Where did he go ? He can shoot from here. He can shoot. Hey , he can shoot from here. Hey, he can’t go from here, so he’s got a handgun . Hey, what’s going on here? Hey, what ‘s going on ? Get your feet under your feet. You’re in the way. You’re in the way. Okay, stay calm. She’s pretty calm, right? You can aim from here. Okay, you can aim. It’s a bit difficult to get to the woman . The angle is too heady . It’s a nuisance . It’s okay. It’s a woman . Wait a minute. What’s going on here? I’m in the basement . I think there’s probably some diamonds. I can’t use this or that. Come to think of it, I feel like I found it somewhere. I wonder if this opened some kind of door above me. Why is everyone out of paper ? I wonder if he’s shaving wax. I’m sure it’s some kind of religious law. There might be a basement on the 2nd floor right now. Maybe there’s a shell at the bottom. It wasn’t there just now . There’s no sound, so I’ll have to look again. It’s here. It’s not here. It’s not there. It’s not there. Maybe there’s still a basement. Wait a minute, where can I go ? This one is open . Wait a minute, where is it open ? This place is closed. I have to look at that one. No, wait a minute, this place is closed. I’m on the 3rd basement floor. I don’t know if it’s on the 1st floor or the 2nd floor, but if you go to the floor description on the left side of this, it’s on the 2nd floor . It’s closed in front of me on the second floor. Wait, I have to take a closer look. What made it open? That’s what I understand now. If I play with this, something will change. A door somewhere will open. Wait a minute. I’ll have to take a closer look to see where it opens , but now I’ve just restored it to its original state. This is this, this is this, and this is open. This is open, but this is closed. On the contrary, I want to go over here. So first of all , in this state , in this state, on the 2nd floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor , this one, wait a minute, how do I get back to the top , wait a minute, in this state, wait a minute, I’m lost, where did I come from? Did I come to the top? Where did I come from above? I’m completely lost. Wait a minute. Wait. Wait. Let’s take a closer look. Now, I’m like, Wait a minute. That’s right. This is from before. This place opens with a bang, and the door I’m hovering over opens. I want to open this jewelry box. I want to open this door next time. Maybe I don’t have any stairs to go back up. I jumped down from somewhere and came down. Right, I’m sure. Wait a minute, open this again, and this time this will close. This will close, right? It opens, wait a minute, how do we move forward? Wait a minute, think about it.By closing this place, this mark has a meaning.It’s a mark like the moon and the sun.By doing this, you can go here, but you can’t go there. Where did I come down here ? Wait, let’s take a closer look at this one more time. That’s just my prediction, but I’m going to move this lever all over again, and the moon mark is going to be here or here. If you open it, you will be connected if you open it for a while, and I’m writing a mark by doing Gacchan -chan. So, let ‘s go, what will happen if we open this ? Is this open? Is it open ? Is it closed? It’s better to leave this open. Let’s go for now. It’s there , it’s there, it’s there. It’s definitely come, come, come, come, come! Don’t come over there Melemelemelem You’re in the way, you’re in the way, oh, oh, oh, oh, okay, come down. Should I leave this place open? Should I leave this place open? Well, wait a minute, I don’t really understand. This is the mark of light. This is the mark of light. Open here. What happens when I get off here? What happens when I get off? Wait a minute, no, no, no, no, I’m sorry , I want to get that gem over and over again. I want to get that gem. So, if I do this, this will open up, so I’ll go down with this , but I’ve defeated the enemy here, so it’s not there.Okay, I’m here.Well, I got a jeweled necklace, wow, that’s amazing.It’s a square and a circle jewel. Even if you put it in , there are no more items, so let’s go up and get a handgun bullet. It’s nice. How many times has this engine been here ? It’s been here in a different place. Well, it’s amazing, it’s been around 4 times , so it’s alive. Are you still alive ? Are you still alive? Are you still alive ? I’m surprised you’re still here. Good, good, good, good, my physical strength is a little bad. If there was a snake, I’d want to eat it. It’s making noises. It sounds like there’s a rocking jewel. I wonder if the jewel was there somewhere. There’s a jewel hanging on top of the tower. There’s that sound of time, right? Let’s go up a little bit. It’s been this month, so we can go up . You’ve already escaped from the cage in the zoo. What should we do? Wait a minute , why are we fighting? It’s not coming from that side or it’s not coming from there. It’s an item. Oh, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie . So once you’ve recovered, wait, wait, there are other places you can go, right ? You can go here , too . How many times have I visited the floors now? Is it the second floor ? Should I say the second floor from the top? I’m on the second floor from the top, and the shells below are now accessible . Wait, is there somewhere I can go ? Can I take a look again ? This is here , this is where I came from, this is where I came from, this is where I came from, so now I have no choice but to defeat him. Seriously ? How do I defeat it? [Music] How do I defeat it? If there’s an item at the bottom, you can hide, but it’s a sniper, or a sniper, or something like this, or an item with an item, or explosives, or something like that. It looks like it’s not good. I just saw it. But oh no, wait, wait, how far will it come? If it’s already so strong that it’ll be bounced off by the armor , then what should I do? If it’s going to get close enough, then the bullets won’t be able to hit it, huh, yellow. Get off and run, yellow, get off, run, yellow It’s so hot here, damn, stop running, let’s hide for a while, go , go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, wait, wait, wait. I want to wait and get the items. Oh no, no , no, no, no, no, what should I do? What should I do ? I have herbs that I have no choice but to use. I have no choice but to use. I have herbs. Turn around, go around, go around and get herbs, don’t go around, go around, go around, go around, get herbs, go around, go around, go around, go around, get herbs, don’t do this, here’s the herbs, where are the herbs, where are the herbs, okay, okay, okay , just the herbs, just the herbs, just the herbs, just the herbs, run away . Don’t shoot with [music] Don’t shoot, I’m glad you didn’t shoot, I have to open this place , okay, let’s move on, let’s go to the next one, okay, okay, let’s go to the next one . There’s some ore, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts , it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. Down, up, up, up, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , where are you? What should I do? Now that I’m here , are the tires up? What are these bombs for? [Music] So now I’m here , let’s see if there’s somewhere else to go . Wait, I can’t get off, I can’t get off. Wait, he ‘s a bit troublesome , but I have to stop shooting. I feel like it’s a bit of a waste. Wait, where are you going? Where are you going? I think you should probably go here first, but maybe that lever again. I turned to the right and left. [ Music] Where do you go up? There are stairs. There are stairs, so I guess it would be better to stay with that woman with the bow and arrow. I’m finally here. I did it, it’s still okay, I did it, okay, okay, there are stairs. Let ‘s go up the stairs at the next moment. Okay, let’s go. Don’t be here, Ooooo Yoshiyoshi Yoshiyoshi A pattern to raise it on the cannon again. This is a knife. I should use a knife Hohohohohohohohohohoi 10 I did it I did, I did it, pushed it up on the bomb without using the bullet, so I wasted one shot Alright, I’ve returned it here. Alright, alright, alright, excited. Now let’s go up. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water. I want to drink some water . I want to drink some water . I want to drink water. I don’t want to wait. I don’t have it. Does that mean pushing it up one more time? It’s an amazing system. This system uses the power of an amazing spring. Where was the jewel ? The jewel is on the lower level of the upper floor. It must be somewhere . Wait a minute, let me look at the bottom of the stairs.Here, here, here, there’s no key, there’s no key, okay, okay, that’s enough for me.Now that I know it’s impossible, I move on.Where are you? They’re coming from here or there. Get some items first. No, the shield is pointless. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, my armor is blown away. Yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay, one shot won’t work. One shot won’t work. Well, let’s do this big one too. This one’s okay, too . Now it’s open. Wait a minute, there ‘s still more. Do what you always do, okay. Nice. Feels good. After that. When is this guy waiting to be shot by this cannon ? He can go 360 degrees. Is that where Ramon lives? That’s definitely where he lives. Ramon is definitely here. But I’m Leon, so I’m going to go, and I’m going to break down the rock and the scaffolding of this house. Why don’t we break down the scaffolding of that house? Ramon is already waiting for me. Lemon, not Lemon. Leon, he’s waiting for Leon. All I want is Ashley. I thought I’d use that cannon to destroy the household chores while you were saying, "Let’s just stop." But it did n’t work. Is this okay? I’m afraid this is out of reach. There’s no doubt that doing this may have opened up some doors.Ashley might have been there , but it’s already become a cannonball.Well, it ‘s definitely Ramon’s house, Ramon. Isn’t it still there? There’s Sadler instead of Ramon. Ramon said Mr. Sadler, so Sadler is the god-like figure of this religious group after all. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wait, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, let’s check it out. It’s too bad, I don’t have time to play around. What’s going on? It doesn’t look that deep as long as I look around, but it’s like the bottom of a deep valley. It’s okay here. I want to recover, but I only have one emergency spray left, so I don’t want to use it anymore.So , something like a snake or an egg would be perfect.How big is this castle? It’s a courtyard, it’s not a courtyard, it’s a courtyard. Asiri, wait a minute, wait, Asiri, where are you? Where are you? I don’t have any items . I was meeting up with Lewis in the courtyard, but yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m crying so much. Don’t let the big tears come. It’s okay, it’s okay. I want you again. You might hurt me , Leon. I’m scared . At that time, I wasn’t myself anymore. I became something else. I know it must have been scary. Oh, you were let in too. It’s okay to play with your bra. But before you run away, take a step forward. It’ll help. Let’s find a way together. Can I do it? I can do it. But next time, don’t take my knife. Thank you, Leo . Your lips are beautiful. Ashley. Your lips are beautiful. I can see them. It’s Yuki. Asiri. I want to continue like this. I’ve reached chapter 9 , but I can’t figure out how it’s going to end. I guess that’s what I predicted at the end of yesterday’s stream. Where is Lewis? He’s a prince. Don’t be silly. Hide. It’s a ballroom at the end of the courtyard. I’ll be waiting there. I feel like I’m hiding, but Katsu is being chased. If you’re in trouble, we’ll both be there . I gave Ashley a little knife, like a kitchen knife. Wouldn’t it be better to go to the place? That elegant facility is also here. There ‘s a torture torture family in the basement . Why don’t you capture that monster? Torture and there’s a save point over there. Let’s just save one. Let’s save two . Up here, it’s all glamorous. Underground , the nobles are being visited. It’s like having fun.The place is well prepared and the world of Kazi is right here.Ashley has been hiding here for a long time.It was great.It was great.However, it took a long time to search for Asiri. I think it would have been faster and safer to try to find a way to climb up the wall somehow, but I think it would have been faster and safer to just use pliers to make the wall thinner. If I bend one of the crows a little, I can fit it in. I want to kill the crows and collect the brass, but I don’t have enough bullets right now. There are probably a lot of items falling in the courtyard. Wait a minute, I ‘ll look for them. There’s no atmosphere here. The enemy is here. The direction of the item. The direction of the item. The snake. Snake. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Thank you for coming out . Okay. Thank you for coming out. I got bitten. But it’s all good. Thank you for coming out. I’m going to eat the snake. I’m going to eat the snake that I was looking for. I’m going to collect the items for now. Once I’ve gathered a certain amount , I’ll do some mixing. I’ve come to the center of the courtyard . What’s that feeling? It’s hanging. Oh, oh, oh. Nice handgun bullets. I had a stash of handgun bullets. I hid them in my fur. They’re still there. Let’s go. They’re nearby. There’s nothing special about this. There’s a wild dog. What ‘s that, what’s that, what’s that about that wild dog? Where is it running wild? Wait, what, what, where is it running wild ? Wow, shouldn’t it be better to take it down? What do you think? Ah, just follow the lead after all. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no . Hey, let’s go, don’t run around, it’s okay, dog. Wherever you go, this dog will be like this. This is what will happen. You should have gotten there first. But if you had fed it, it would have been fine. Well, there are jewels, too. Where is the one? You’ll probably be surprised when you go there. That’s right. Dogs can come out of nowhere. There’s no way to cut through this road. Dogs are okay. They’re still there . I can still hear their voices . First of all, jewelry is okay. It can’t just be jewelry, right? Well, the decorated Chessboard looks expensive. Looks expensive. Shotgun bullets . Okay, don’t leave me. I’m here. Okay, okay. Nice nice . Even though there’s a staircase at the end , there’s still some places I can’t go to, so I want to collect items. I can go. Let’s go over here. I see a box . Okay, there’s still a box over there. I can go up from here too. I’m waiting for you . No, no, no , no. I understand. Is it a waste of bullets? Is there a dog there? I can hear the voice. I can hear the voice . But I have this dog bullet. Where did the dog I killed earlier go? No, no, no, how many do you have here ? It’s okay, oh, it’s okay, it’s all like this, isn’t it coming over here ? Oh, it’s there, wait a minute, did you look here or there? It’s okay, Leon has come a lot too Hey, Spree , wait a second , then turn over here. I haven’t heard any stray dogs yet, so what should I do? Let’s go to the second floor. There are some stairs, but what are these and what are these surprise marks? Wait a minute. Is this a surprise mark? Isn’t it here? I go back and go up the stairs to the second floor. Is it over here? I can go up here too. Let’s climb up here. There’s an item here. It’s garuru garuru. Wait a second. There’s an item here. I can still see the item box. Wait a minute. Oh, what did I discover ? Look, the flags are coming down. It’s true. Are they going to lower all the flags? Wait. Wait a minute. There’s a box at the bottom of this. So I wonder if I’ll lower all the flags while taking this and that I want to take. Well, let’s try climbing here as well. How should I go? Go straight and go from here. There’s still a stray dog. Suddenly, it comes out of the grass. It might come up , so let’s climb a little bit here or here. We can’t lower the flag here either. If we lower the flag, if we lower them all, what will happen? They’re all the same flag. Where is the other one? I can only see two places right now, here and here. But hey, is it somewhere else? Well, I want to get some items around here , so let’s go out here and go over here and over here. This is the item I saw earlier from above. This is the submachine gun. Now, let’s go to the second floor from the stairs . I’m still using it . I want you to stop coming out of Kusamura. [Music] My knife is broken. Can I still get one shot? I’m still going to get one more shot. Okay. Inside, let’s go up the stairs and go up a little bit . How much does it come out? I can’t go here. I think I can go from here, but first I have to do something about this fence. Well, I guess the flag has something to do with the flag from earlier. I’ll probably give you everything, so let ‘s go up the stairs a little bit, let’s go, come on, come on here, here, here, here, where you came in, where you came out, wait a minute here, then where here, wait a minute, lever. Yes, yes, yes, I understand . Well, hello. Welcome. Let’s survive today. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let ‘s go. A little bit to the right from here. Sorry. Map. Map. Wait. Wait. How can we go? Here, here, blockaded. How can I get there? This place is sealed. Let’s go a little closer. But wait a minute, wait a minute, I’m sorry. I really don’t know the way. Should I go from here to here ? Dog, it’s okay. I’ve had enough. The dog has come out enough, right? It’s time to take care of yourself. Oh, it’s here. It’s here. It’s here. It’s here. It ‘s here. It’s here. It’s here. I ‘m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t want to use it , so I don’t know what I’ll need yet, so I won’t make a handgun or a shotgun right now because I still have the contents and space in my suitcase. What should I do? The combination of yellow, red and yellow will increase the maximum value of physical strength. What should I do in a situation like this? I don’t know, but it’s 3 times, so I’m going to make it 3 times and increase the maximum value of physical strength. I’m so busy with the feeling of maze and fear that I’ve been here quite a bit, and I feel like the mystery-solving elements are so terrible. I’d really appreciate it if a snake came out, but I’ll just use this and keep it tidy and tidy. I’ll always be like this. Don’t worry. It’s okay, so this isn’t a bullet.Okay, okay, I’ll get it first.I want to open this.I want to open this, but it won’t open.So here it is.This surprise mark.That surprise mark is on a hill. It’s the lever , so we have to open the door in front of us, but the question is how to open it.The only way to get to this high ground is to go in here . I think there’s something somewhere to open this , but umm, I could go here and there, I didn’t go here, oh, Leban , that’s it. How many more do you have? I’ve been using this and that over here. Combat knife. Ah, I’ll have to fix it somewhere. I’ll open this up. Oh, wait. Ashley. Okay, okay. Thank you, Ashley. But I don’t want to leave you. Ashley. Oh, nice. Na, be careful , it’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here, all the flags are here , what kind of trick is this, it looks like we’ll finally be able to get out of the maze , what kind of trick is it? How do I get out? How do I get out? How do I get out ? How do I get out of there? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cames in the wrong place First of all, first of all, it came to the wrong place. Clean it up. It came to the wrong place. I don’t know the way, I don’t know the way, stop it , the knife is already broken, wait a minute, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, recover, recover, uh, uh Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, recover and help me, oh, waste of time, waste of time , back drop, oh, what, what, what, no, no, no, wait a minute, this is this, this is this, this is it. This is not my turn , oh, ok, I really hit the ass, but Asyria , Syria, Syria, is it okay? Okay, that’s good, that’s good, that’s okay, okay , let’s go, let ‘s go , open. I don’t have a knife, so it’s a bit tough, but I don’t have a knife. I just got a kitchen knife. Yeah, I can do something with this. Wait, there’s a merchant. I’m sure there’s something like that. I’m sure there’s something like that. Is this the ballroom? Okay, oh, it’s been a while. It’s been a long time since I last asked for a blue medallion. Destroy the obtrusive blue medallion. I’m not scared of how many of those things are displayed, but I want to show my will to resist. 6 medallions. 6 medallions. Is it okay to do this? Isn’t this the place for a shooting game ? This elevator could be, erm, weapon witness’s advice modification is even more expensive. Good news. I’ve got a good quality construction shell, so I can make even more serious modifications to your woman. I can get stronger, of course it will take some effort, but if you’re interested, please give me a call and I’ll go directly to the house, this, this, this square shaped type. It’s a key.There were other things too.I couldn’t open it, so I left it alone for a while.Welcome.Here, I ‘ll take out the new items.Please wait at the door.There’s this, this, this, and this, which is set with diamonds.This is expensive for me. I think it would sell well.The best thing would be to wear jewels of 5 different colors.Duo , TrioDuo, Trio.It would be expensive to combine 4 different colors. So , with this , you can combine four different colors. 9000 After all, red is the most expensive. By the way, green is 5000, so I’ll sell this and this. This is me. Well, yellow and blue are more expensive than yellow and red, so this is it. 4 Colors bonus get 1.6 times yes 50,000 2 Patas Patas Patas is said, but is Patas okay? Well, this is the decision. Um, this is expensive. It’s 10,000 Patas. This is also expensive. Chess is big. I thought it looked expensive, but I thought it would be expensive because it’s big, but I’m going to put this on. Well, I’m going to put this on. Yes, this is okay. Get the 2 Colors Bonus Bonus. Yes, this is okay. Okay, that’s a lot. It’ll sell, it’ll sell for a lot of money, it’ll sell well, it’ll sell for a lot of money, I don’t have anything, I can do anything, it’s amazing , I’m the one who makes the decision , thank you very much. Well , let’s repair it. First, let’s repair the armor. Please take good care of it. What’s in it ? The new one. Oh, there’s a case size increase. You’re rich. Why don’t you get this? Let’s increase the cash register size. Is it 8 or 13? This is absolutely necessary. The other person’s is also included. I don’t have to worry about this anymore. If I do that much, I’ll be satisfied. I want Magnum or Roken. Is it Magnum? Wait a minute. Wow, it’s fun. Having money is so much fun. It’s a good thing whether you lose money or you lose your life. It’s a good thing. It’s a good thing. It’s a matter of losing money or losing your life. Well, we don’t need bolt throwers anymore. Magnum bullets have a power of 15, right? 15, right? So Rokeran takes all the bullets. A one-shot rocket launcher that crushes the enemy Even if it’s 80,000 yen, there’s no space for this. I opened my suitcase and it’s still there. I can still buy a Magnum. Magnum 40,000 yen, but I want to buy a Magnum and my eyes are shining. I’m thinking, I have no choice but to buy a Magnum now. Isn’t buying a Magnum worth it? Stranger The rest of you are expensive. This guy’s destructive power is outstanding. The reloading is also amazing. I understand what you mean. I don’t know. There is no reloading, I don’t understand the meaning of the statue, so all I have to do is strengthen it.Wow, it’s true, it’s true, if I don’t have it, I have no choice but to finish it.The power is only up to level 3, which is impossible until now. But you can raise it to level 45. It’s a shotgun. It would be better to strengthen the shotgun’s power a little, but I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough money anymore . It’s just a rifle . If I had infinite ammo, I wouldn’t use a rifle, I’d use a Subma, but this is a Subma.But for some reason, it’s easier to get bullets for handguns, not shotguns, so I end up using a handgun more often. I feel like it’s better to strengthen it, so the next time you want to increase the power of your shotgun, that’s the order. Magnum is good for now. Magnum is the one you use when you’re in a serious situation, so choose the one you use most often. I want to strengthen it, so I’ll earn some money and then come back.No , I can’t strengthen the handgun’s power, and I can’t do the shotgun, so let’s stop it now.Let’s stop it for now.Well , just change the first aid spray, and the first aid spray. It’s better to just buy one.Is it okay? I’ll go with this.I’m going to go to that resting place for a while.There ‘s a way to sell a submachine gun.I’m sure, but when Subma runs out of bullets, there’s only Subma bullets. I’m scared, I’m scared, what should I do?I’m still telling my fortune.It’s true that there is a way to sell a subma.It’s a subma that I haven’t used that much.What do I use now? What kind of thing do I use?What are the times when I hit my handgun and I’m so angry? When an enemy comes, I don’t have time to reload, so I switch to the subma and use it to hit the subma, so surprisingly I use it in a pinch.I only use it in a pinch, but I need this in a pinch. Um, wait a minute, 1, 1 ABC, that’s increasing, it’s increasing, I’m going to do something that I’ve never done before, I’m going to try something up to the sub level. It’s a peace of mind. There’s no way this bullet will disappear. There’s no bullet, right ? Beya beya [Music] Beyabeya [Music] Beyabeya Beyabeya I shot two people, Yohei-san , BGM that I can dance to. B Awesome Ashley. Thank you, Asilia Shuri. Are you inviting me? This is a JK, isn’t it? Ashley looks like a mermaid. She looks like a mermaid who was washed ashore by a knight. Ashiri Shotgun will make fun of her. She’ll try something she’s never done before. Once she starts everything, she’ll try three things. Oh yeah. Isn’t that good? Oh yeah , oh no, Mr. Horizontal has gone too. Reload Reload Reload Bull Kill Wow, Horizontal has gone. Where is Riki ? It’s over somewhere in the back. You can do this. You can aim for a perfect mermaid. It’s a type of mermaid. I’m sure you can do better with this one. Hey , I want to try this one more time before I get too hot. This shotgun is absolutely perfect. I’ll do my best and hit it right in the middle. Isn’t that a skill? [Applause] [Music] Beauty Reload Okay Reload Reload It was a little slow Reload Okay But it’s okay It’s crazy , horizontal-san shot me, Wow, oh, yeah, oh yeah, what’s that? Hey, what ‘s that? Hey, what’s this bonus time? Well, the bullets are scattered, so I’m going to shoot the nearby horizontal person too, so I did it when horizontal side was nearby , but if it’s hard to aim, then I’ll have to stand up and get a different view. I guess , I don’t need to shoot from the middle, but it’s okay to be in the middle . Oh, reload, reload, reload, ah, it’s not worth it, it’s this, it’s that, it’s that, that’s what it’s doing . I want to play around with it a little bit , so I’m like, do I do it here or do it here? It’s a shame. I think it’s better this way. Ah , wait, wait, it’s not reload time. It’s not reload time. Reload Okay, Okay, Okay, this is it. Do you prefer Sakocchi? [Music] Okay, Mr. Horizontal, don’t shoot, Mr. Horizontal, stop it. [Music] Okay, that’s bonus time, bonus time, bonus time, B or no, but aim for it. I’m so frustrated. Wait a minute. What are you doing? I want to do this one more time. I feel like I can do this, but damn, I’m hungry. Kuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’s a was wasted the reload reload bullet was wasting the reload before the reloading before the reloading before the reloading, before the reloading. It’s no use, after all, if it’s all about the spirit, it’s like Asyria Syria. You can’t get good at it with just the spirit. I can’t get it to go well. Thank you, Shiri. Okay, now I can spin the gacha twice. What will come out? I wonder what will come out. Ball crafting bonus occurrence rate 20% Up O What’s the other one that will come out I wonder what will come out Chainsaw Man Rifle Bullet Crafting Bonus rate 20% I like it How can I do it? Wait a minute, how can I do it? I mean, are you going to put this item, this item, that item at the save point at the merchant above ? I won’t let you lose anything. I completely forgot even for a second. It’s here, not at the merchant . Here it is, this is it, this is it, it’s this one, it’s like I’m doing Pooh, put it on the center, um , and put it on the right side . On the left, okay, okay, I’m satisfied, I’m satisfied , can I go a little further ? It’s locked. I can’t open it. I wonder if I have a Magnum in there. I bought a Magnum, but where is the Magnum? Where is this? Hey, I shortened this. I have 6 shots in the cut. Okay, ok, no, I feel like I’ve become really strong. I’m already holding a magnum, and I heard a discovery sound. Ok, look at Alexandrite. What’s up on the stairs? What ‘s up on the stairs? Why is there a statue of something with its head taken off? It’s not some kind of mythical creature like this, what do you say? It’s like that, isn’t it? It’s some kind of legendary creature from Europe. What is a legendary creature from Europe ? Well, outsourced extermination once again. Get rid of all the rats that live in the white corner. They love things like old hair and river covers. It’s a shame to let the rays gnaw away on things that should be left behind. They don’t care about books. Get rid of all the rats. Who asked you to do this? Merchant, there’s a medallion. There’s a lot of medallions. Wait a minute. There’s a medallion. There’s gotta be 10. I don’t want to use too many bullets , but that’s okay.There ‘s a medallion that’s a little higher than twice.There ‘s also a lot of rooms around here where you can get items.There ‘s a lot of rooms, too. Enosa Castle , this feels like something luxurious Madam, it’s Madam, isn’t it? Madam, there’s a ladder over there. I found a medallion . I can’t do this right now. I can’t give Ashley. Okay, then let’s go over here for now. Wait, there’s a medallion over here too. Let’s knock it down. Or should I say destroy it? There’s a medallion over here too. There it was. I didn’t notice it. I guess I dropped the medallion at all. It sounded like a clang. This is what the medallion here is. Blue medallion I wonder who is making this request? There’s a rat. There’s a rat. Vampires are about to show up. They just came out. Is this a statue of a shrimp? I can’t open the chest of drawers around here. I can’t open it , there’s a mouse, I made a mistake, idiot, idiot, idiot. I’m eating here. This is crazy. The handgun bullets are gone. I’m sitting down. Shall I sit down too? It’s on the other side. It’s a head. What is this? What is this? Nothing. It’s not happening Hey, your missions are always like this It’s the first time I’ve seen such a pleasant companion I’m praising it Nothing in particular happened What do you think of this? There’s also a rat on the cat’s date.Wait , if I sit here, something will happen.Ashley.If I sit here, something will happen.Maybe if I don’t, I won’t be able to sit like this.I’ll prepare myself for something.Maybe something will come. There’s nothing or there’s nothing. Why is it possible to sit down? It’s okay to call back Okamon, right ? Come on, wait a second. Why is it so that you can sit down? I feel like there’s a meaning behind it. There are three of them here . Wait a minute, can I try everything for a second? I have a feeling that I don’t think I would be able to sit like this otherwise.My sense of meaninglessness is telling me this.Maybe this is a customer. I wonder if there’s anything wrong with me. I’m just mentally preparing myself so that I’ll be fine no matter when he comes. I wonder if there’s a meaning to this right now. There’s something wrong with me sitting here like this. I’m sitting somewhere and I think there’s some sort of riddle involved, so I think it’s okay to wait a little bit and just sit there.There’s some riddle-solving involved, so first of all, look for it.Here, here, here, here we come. Come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come. I have a blank hawk and two knives. I call them to take a seat. Then they ask, " Do you need anything?" When I get stuck, I get stuck. Well, this is Bio, after all. There’s no way there’s nothing. Well, there’s no such thing as just sitting there, umm , bread and a red bottle.Bread and a red bottle.First of all, there are three knives.Here are two knives.Wait a minute.No , wait a minute , that’s not missing . Bread and a red bottle This is bread and a red bottle This is it Aashiri It’s here Wait , I don’t have a glass but I don’t have a glass Oh, are there glasses ? A class, a plate, and two forks.Here we are.Here we go.Everyone is ready.They come out.They come out.They come out.They come out.They come out.They come out.They come out.They come out.They take them out.It goes out.It goes out.It goes out.It goes out.It goes down.It goes down.It goes down, it goes down.This is one. But wait a minute, it’s only one piece. It’s only one piece . Nice thank you. It didn’t come out, but I got only one head , so wait a minute. Let’s just put one on. Well, put one on first and it’s perfect. Also, it looks like a lion. It looks like a lion, and there’s one more thing. It’s some kind of creature. It’s a mythical creature. For now, let’s go to the back. There’s a door here. There’s a medallion. There’s a medallion outside . Oh, it’s there, it’s there, it’s there. There’s a medallion . It’s hard to understand. Without a guide, I can’t find it. There’s a ladder to go to. Is there a ladder to go up? Wait a minute, that’s all for now. So , the ladder. Wait, what else can I do? I can’t get through here , right? The door is locked here too. Is there anywhere else I can go ? I could go here. Oh Leon, there’s no substitute for the armor.As expected, I can’t fight with that.I can’t fight.It’s heavy.It looks good on me, but it’s heavy.Ah, there were herbs.Ashley, I’m pretty tired.Leon doesn’t know when he’ll co-write it either.Maybe Leon himself is the best. That would be scary, right? It would be scary if Ashley were to change.Leon would first look a little above the lion’s head.Leon himself would be okay with Ashley changing, but he would be able to stop it. On top of that, I got the object of Oshi’s head. I got it. Be careful. Something is going to show up. What, what, what, hey, are you kidding? What should I do? It’s so strong, I’m going to go to that mess that’s so scary. At Yogujiguji, at Gujiguji, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait , wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait? But if I don’t recover, it’s going to be bad. I’ll make this or that and wait and wait and wait and wait and use melemememele . There ‘s a lot of waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Oh, this is it , Ashley, please do it! Ashley, Ashley , get away from this Leon. Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. Ashiri, stay back too . What ‘s the meaning of this? There’s still people, there’s still, there’s still, there’s still there A meme mele mele mele mere a mere mere I couldn’t do it I couldn’t do it No no no I’m going with a hand shotgun Oh no no no no no no no no wait a minute Check the bullets and make a good handgun first Let’s make a preliminary group with only 15. Wow, that’s stupid. It would have been better to make the preliminary group earlier. I want to go with two people at once. This guy’s preliminary bullets don’t work. Squiggly. It hasn’t come out yet , so that’s what I’m waiting for. Oh wait, I’m waiting. Oh, I took it out . There were two of them. There were still two of them . Okay, okay, ok, oh, mere , mere, can we make one more advance bullet? I can make it with this. Let’s do this all at once , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! Wait a minute, uh, I can make one more advance bullet.I’ll make another advance bullet.I’ll have no more handguns.I won’t have any more handguns.For now, just wait a little longer for one more person.Blue . There’s no light, there’s no blue light. I want to kill both of them at once, so I’m going to attack this guy’s ninja first. He can’t get through his back. There’s a ninja on his back, so it’s hard . Okay, I have to hide it. This one shot won’t stop. So I’ll recover a bit and recover, and I still have one emergency spray left, so it’s okay. I’ll recover with this, so I’ll do it all at once with the advance bullet. Ah, I want to get the two of us together in the same place. Here , oh no, it’s a waste. It’s a waste. It’s okay. Okay. I’m glad you’re okay. I couldn’t breathe. I’m a princess. I understand. I understand . Come on. I’m going to come. I’m going to come here. I trust you . I didn’t write it down. It’s a big deal. Thank you , Ashley. Because he threw that blue flame, blue is not good at light, so I defeated him so many items.I don’t think he dropped many items , but the material S is this, oh, what is this ? The lower it goes, the more amazing tricks there are . There’s nothing left. Oh, wait, there’s still plenty. Wait, wait, there’s still plenty . There’s still plenty falling. It was here or here. There were advance bullets, too. Well, the advance bullets are a good opportunity to use them. There are a lot of medallions, so this place looks like it’s on another floor.Okay, there’s a rat.Okay, this armor doesn’t move.It’s a meaningful death of a rat.With this, I can get the Spispina.It’s a three-dimensional object.This could also be the key. It’s not the same thing . It ‘s something gorgeous . It feels like that square key that was in the shooting game , but it says it’s an object, so I guess it’s different . It’s here. Yes, it’s this. Wait a minute, this is it. It was inside, this, this , this, this, this, it came unplanned . Oh, it’s spinning. I see. It’s like a Rubik’s Cube. You can do this and that too. Yes, yes, then no. Well, the square is square, this is this, this is this. Okay, okay. I can use it again and get a lamp. I feel like I got this somewhere. Wait a minute. How much will it sell for? We have a variety of one-of-a-kind products. It’s not a ruby, but what kind of keys do we have? Yes, yes, yes, yes, wait a moment. [ [Music] It’s not going to sell after combining these, so there’s only three of these, so there’s no point in trying to pick this up or that . There’s no point in picking these up. [Music] I don’t think it’s possible that you won’t have any diamonds when you get some ornaments that you can wear.It’s better to strengthen your weapons as soon as possible.I’ll ask you again, it’s always 40,000 yen. So, what should I do before I strengthen my armor a little? Is it the power of a shotgun that can turn my favorite prey into myself? Or the power of a blacktail handgun. I’m not sure which one to choose, but I’ve seen 40,000 blacktails. My skill is 60%. That’s about it. I want to know how much I can strengthen it with Patas if I use 4700 for 30% or 4700. If I can strengthen it by 80% and it can be strengthened or repaired, I don’t want to do it right now. I don’t want to do it right now. I just want to take a look. My armor gauge is at about 60% right now , and it cost about 700 Patas. I wonder if the repair amount has been adjusted. Hello , I’m late. I’m late. Very late, very late, late, late, come on. Everyone will do a little more, so enjoy it. Maybe that merchant is quite a good person. He’s a good salesman, but he’s a good person, so I guess he’s a good person. I’m just putting my head on this for now. There’s one more thing over here. I don’t remember if there was a door over here or not, but here you can go. There was a chest of drawers here and there. It was here too. Okay, let’s go. Oh, the merchant has that armor, that armor, etc. There’s a possibility that the repair fee will be adjusted depending on how broken the knife is. It’s better to say that when you meet the merchant, just in case. I’ll take a look at the next time just to confirm. When the armor is a little more broken, [Music] Uh, hey, this place is locked. This place is locked. No, I don’t want to fight again. What kind of enemy will appear? I dropped him, no, no, no, I have to defeat him. No, no, no, no, no, no. What should I do? What should I do? [Music] Hey, wait a minute, I gotta shoot that red thing, it’s hanging down Hey, hey, let me shoot it, let me shoot it, oh no, oh no , oh no, look at me, I’m going to use the lead bullet on the balcony, oh that thing I should have shot him after he came.Ah , ok, ok, ok, ok, on top of the balcony, my head felt like it was going to split open.Aaah, wait, wait, wait, wait, what’s wrong with Habo, what’s wrong with Habo, what ‘s going on with that knife? My cutlery is that red Wow Wow Wow Right, left, right, left Now wait a minute, advance group I’ll make the first group Wait, I’ll remember the lesson I forgot The lesson I forgot right now I’m just here in a radius of about 2 meters By the way, we’re only fighting because there must be some kind of explosives or something , so let’s just come over here. There’s no explosives. There’s nothing. Ah, go that way. Run away right away. Run away right away . Wow , it’s here again. Hey, that red. If I don’t kill that red one first , wait a minute, wait a minute, I’ll kill this guy, oh, okay , go help me, go help me, go help me, ignore me, ignore me, where, where, where, where, where, yayari [applause] [ music] Oh, unfortunately I don’t think there are any explosives. I’ve been walking around a lot now, but maybe I’m just not looking properly. But anyway, if I don’t defeat that red sheep thing, I’ll be caught. If Asiri is captured by the enemy and taken away, the game will be over. So I have to defeat that red guy as soon as possible and protect Ashley.I think I should get to the top as soon as possible.Ashley is scary, really scary, really scary.Asiri is the number one enemy. The enemy is Asilio Oooh, and I’m about to lose my mind here. Oh, they’re about to come, right? So, let me shoot quickly, oh, let me shoot, oh, shit, shit, shit, shit, look at me, I’m on the balcony. It’s so bad. [Music] Help me, help me , wait. I want to use a knife. I want to use a knife. I want to hit it, but I can’t aim. Here, here, here, here, here, here. Don’t leave me . Let me give you one more shot. Let me give you one more shot. Oh, oh, oh, oh, okay. Nice, nice, nice, okay, finally, it’s dangerous, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, ignore me, ignore me, ignore me, wait a minute, I found a medallion, wow, wow, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Get away ! Hurry, hurry, hurry, wait, wait ! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Wait! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Wow! I’m coming! I’m coming! I don’t want to waste my bullets! Let’s go! Wait! Wait! Up! Here you go , here you are . If you aim from above, you’ll be able to aim smartly. Nice. This is a winning pattern. This is a winning pattern. Aim from above. Okay, I went, I went, I went. Thank you. Okay, ok, ok. It’s here, it’s here , it’s here, it’s nice, it ‘s nice, it’s nice, it’s here, it’s coming, it’s going to be positive. Let’s go back to where we were before . Gunpowder is good. It’s okay if you have it. There are also herbs . There’s already a pattern where you collect all the items without bombs, so that’s it for those times. Ashley, you get caught, but sometimes you get caught. However, even if you are a certain distance away, Ashley may be able to run away on her own, so it might be a good idea to climb up to the enemy holding that shield from above and avoid the area that is climbing up from above. I got a lot of them.There was a medallion somewhere.It’s in the back of here.I used this to get the treasure chest.There’s a yellow diamond in this place.Okay, it’s amazing.It’s a great trick.It’s a great trick.I wonder if there’s something like this underneath the trick.It’s golden. How rich are they that they have pictures and paintings hanging up? This is a trick that only opens once in a while, but they go out of their way to hang up paintings where they can’t usually be seen. It’s a rich man’s play, not a play of the gods. Hmmm, the material S is still falling . I can’t see it when I’m running around with the material S. I can’t find it. How can I get to the top? How can I get to the top? Here, here, here, here, here, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, Ramon’s Ramon’s castle. Is this Ramon ‘s castle? Is it Ramon or that? Ramon or Sadra, either Ramon or Sadra is the family’s castle, or maybe they just came to someone else’s castle . It’s so fast , I wonder when this happened. Oh, okay, okay, okay, let’s go. Good morning, welcome. I’m quick, but after 4, Bio 5 is coming. How fast is this? How many chapters are there? Wait a minute, there’s something in the back. Shotgun bullets. The Bio series. Not yet, but I want to go to the extreme. I want to go to the extreme here. I’m sure I’m a bio fan, too. I wonder what the comments from the viewers are about that Umbrella car and here. Oh, here’s the Umbrella. Even if you don’t know the story, you can still enjoy reading 1 and 1 even if you don’t know the story because each episode 1 is independent, such as things like the car , but the real pleasure of bio is the details like how all of them are connected somehow. As I said in the stream, Umbrella’s cats actually have a history and connections, so that’s what makes it so interesting, so when I do them all, I talk about Umbrella’s car , and about each cat character. The more you get into it, the more interesting it gets.I’m not sure about the comments , but I thought that was a bit of a concern.Wait a minute.There was a medallion.Wait a minute.Wait a minute.There was a medallion. The medallion isn’t this one, it’s the opposite. It’s not this one between the shores, so I’m a little worried about the bio series. I’m interested in other bio series as well. This shell over here is fine. Medallion. Wait, open the window here. No, the window here wasn’t open when I first passed by. Did someone pass by? Did they say there’s no medallion? I was here, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was okay, it was okay, it was last, let’s go, soldier. Let’s go, soldier go go go go , without hesitation, we’ll push forward and dwell on it. My room is filled with all the heads. Ah, it’s already gone, it’s already gone No more, no more, no more , no more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more . Now, wait a minute, there’s nothing.As I thought, there’s nothing.Despair Yes, I’m in despair, but first, I’ll turn to the light.First, I want a weapon.First, I want light, but I want a weapon, but there’s no light.At times like this, I’m mentally depressed. It’s really calming down, so I look for the light. I guess it’s Leon here. The vertical lines are really close, and the shotgun is the best. I used a shotgun. I didn’t want to waste it, so I used a handgun, but there was a situation where I ran out of my handgun. It happens a lot, so it’s best to use it wisely.It’s best to use it in a well-balanced manner.The shield should be a vertical close-combat shotgun.It’s 1 shot.I’m sure it’s 1 shotgun, and about 5 shots from a handgun. One shot from a shotgun might be more efficient than hitting it vertically and knocking it down. Thank you. Ashley vomited blood because of her scarf. It’s stained red and looks like she’s been vomiting blood. The scarf is stained red . Probably because I’m the president’s daughter.It’s a high-class present from my dad.It’s a high-class scarf.Yes, the brooch on my chest is also high-class.It costs 55,000 5,000 patas.It’s 5,000 patas.I’ll give you 5,000 patas.The brooch on my chest is yes.It’s time for everyone, so I’m feeling a little hopeless today. I’ve switched to Ashley, who doesn’t have a medium weapon or anything.I want to greet tomorrow in this despair.Thank you very much for watching until the end today.If you haven’t subscribed to the channel yet, please do so . I’m actually thinking about doing it on Twitch as well, and if anything is decided, I’ll let everyone know, so if you haven’t subscribed yet, please subscribe to X and subscribe to my channel. Please , thank you for your hard work. I won’t be late tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you everyone for your continued support. Thanks to all of you, I’m able to enjoy the stream. I’d be happy if you could come and visit me tomorrow as well. Don’t forget to press the good button at the end. Thank you very much for your hard work.The fireworks went off again today.Thank you for your hard work.Thank you for your hard work.Thank you everyone.It ‘s cold so don’t catch a cold.Is it hot?It’s hot or cold.Why don’t you catch a cold?Bye-bye .

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【バイオハザード RE:4 再生リスト】

【バイオハザード RE:3 Z Version 再生リスト】

【バイオハザード8 ヴィレッジ 再生リスト】

未曽有の生物災害“ラクーン事件”から 6年―。

彼女の消息を追って ヨーロッパの閑村へと向かったレオン
そこで目にしたのは 狂気を湛えた村人たちだった。

いま 過酷な救出劇(サバイバルホラー)の幕が上がる―。


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