PEACE FOR ALL | アダム・スコットさんインタビュー

[Music] well it was easy to support it once I heard the concept this is obviously a serious situation and we must spread the message of Peace we’ve been saying this for nearly 100 years but we we have to all try and work together to achieve peace it was earlier this year when the project was introduced to me but I feel like it’s a really personal message from me because uh of course I believe in in the concept of this uh program but um we’re talking about peace but anyway but I personally kind of sign my text message to everyone with a peace sign emoji and um the love part I think goes along with peace and I’ve felt as I’ve become more mature showing love is important it’s nothing to be embarrassed about everyone should can show love towards each other and Par for me is the golf reference and that’s very much me golf and Par is the even it’s all everything is even and I think it for me at least it really ties into this whole message this is the million dollar question it’s so so difficult to achieve but the more we can bring more people it might take some time slowly coming together slowly slowly eventually we will have the peace with everybody cuz the power of the numbers of people living in peace is very strong and I think most people in this world want that and we just have to keep encouraging it [Music]

「世界の平和を願ってアクションする」という趣旨しに賛同した著名人がボランティアで参加し、平和への願いを込めてデザインしたTシャツ を続々と発表。
その利益の全額は、貧困、差別、 暴力、紛争、戦争によって被害を受けた人々 を支援する、国際的な団体へと寄付されます。
平和を叶えるために必要なのは、相手に対する想像力だと思う。綾瀬はるかさんはそう語ります。着る人のしあわせを想って綾瀬さん がデザインしたTシャツも登場。

#PEACEFORALL #LifeWear #Uniqlo

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