懐かしの名曲と共に!PLASTIC OCEANで振り返るBOØWYファンの女性著名人

I fed my so hard to against you but now I Want You Back come on I take up this plastic go sh so far for you I’m see of this plastic emo I want to get back you I want to sleep with you I’ll make you come again I’m dreaming of you see so sexy body there I want to be to you want think of this plastic girl show they feel so far from you I’m sick of this plastic emo I want to get back and love you

懐かしの名曲と共に!PLASTIC OCEANで振り返るBOØWYファンの女性著名人

今回は、BOØWYファンの女性著名人を紹介します。背景には懐かしの名曲「PLASTIC OCEAN」を流しながら、浜崎あゆみ、雛形あきこ、菊川怜、後藤久美子、高橋真麻、安倍なつみ、北川景子、中田有紀、hitomi、倉本康子といった豪華な顔ぶれをご紹介します。他にも多くのファンがいることをお伝えしつつ、限られた時間の中での紹介となりますので、ご了承ください。


#BOØWY #PLASTICOCEAN #女性著名人 #浜崎あゆみ #雛形あきこ #菊川怜 #後藤久美子 #高橋真麻 #安倍なつみ #北川景子 #中田有紀 #hitomi #倉本康子 #昭和歌謡 #懐メロ #Jポップ

Along with nostalgic masterpieces! A look back at BOØWY’s famous female fans at PLASTIC OCEAN

This time, we will introduce some female celebrities who are BOØWY fans. While playing the nostalgic masterpiece “PLASTIC OCEAN” in the background, we introduced a gorgeous lineup such as Ayumi Hamasaki, Akiko Hinagata, Rei Kikukawa, Kumiko Goto, Masa Takahashi, Natsumi Abe, Keiko Kitagawa, Yuki Nakata, hitomi, and Yasuko Kuramoto. Masu. We would like to inform you that there are many other fans, but please note that we will be introducing them within a limited time.

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