
女優の広瀬すずが6月19日に26歳の誕生日を迎え、自身のXを更新した。 この日の投稿では、「昨日26歳になりました」と報告し、「とらわれず、自由に、 生きていくぞー おっしゃ たくさんお祝いありがとうでーす」と感謝をつづり、 猫との2ショットを披露した。 この投稿には、「誕生日おめでとうございます」など、 誕生日を祝福するコメントが多く寄せられているほか、 「どんどん綺麗になってく」「これまでも最高ですけど、まだまだこれから! !!最高の1年にしてください! 」など、様々なコメントが寄せられていた。 Actress Suzu Hirose celebrated her 26th birthday on June 19, and updated her X In the post, she reported, "I turned 26 years old yesterday," and thanked people by saying, "I’m going to live freely and without restraint. The post received many comments wishing her a happy birthday, such as "Happy birthday," as well as "You are getting more and more beautiful," "It’s been great so far, but there is more to come! Make it the best year ever!" and many others.

In the post, she reported, “I turned 26 years old yesterday,” and thanked people by saying, “I’m going to live freely and without restraint.

 The post received many comments wishing her a happy birthday, such as “Happy birthday,” as well as “You are getting more and more beautiful,” “It’s been great so far, but there is more to come! Make it the best year ever!” and many others.

#J-POPアーティスト#中島 #女性MC #女優 #女性歌手



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