PEACE FOR ALL | Save the Children 「すべての子どもが、可能性を発揮できる未来を目指して」

[Music] in an emergency situation children are the most vulnerable and the ones hit the hardest it has really direct consequences due to the fact that they are often denied their basic needs like food water education protection so there is a need to to ensure that despite the fact that they are living in Conflict zones we do our best to provide them with that so that they have access to health care to food to education and to [Music] protection so this is a really critical time where more people than ever are forced to leave their homes due to conflict uh and I am a bit concerned that this will not change because the fact that we see more and more crisis more and more conflicts becoming more and more severe uh it is really important to do our best to address the conflicts when they happen try to do our best to ensure that we end the conflicts having ceasefires ensuring that we have humanitarian access and are able to provide children with their basic Services I was in South Sudan uh just a month ago and when I spoke to some the children they told me about unimaginable experiences having seen their families being killed in front of them having to flee on their own I met an 11-year boy who was all alone in the world and what he said to me is I want peace I need Safety and Security and I need to get back to education because I want to have a [Music] future So within the peace for all framework uh we are supporting a lot of emergency responses in the world uh one example is in Ukraine where we are able to ensure that children get access to education but also that they have safe spaces where they can cope with their mental uh challenges that they are able to play and just be children and those spaces are so critical uh to create normality in children’s [Music] lives so as save the children we want to ensure that all children have an opportunity to fulfill their potential that they have an opportunity to thrive uh that they can have access to basic needs Health Care education every child deserves to be a child and that is what we want to give them it is so important to work in Partnerships and having uh a partnership and being part of the peace for all framework means that we as Sav children can reach many more children that we would have been able to do without it it also means that all the customers engaging in the campaign can also feel that they are contributing and we all need to work together now more than [Music] [Applause] [Music] ever there is a need for all of us to come together and try to act and there’s a lot of things that you can do as an individual you can try to educate yourself to understand the challenges phas the root courses behind the conflicts you can also actively participate by uh doing things like buying t-shirts to support the peace for all campaign and and support other campaigns to ensure that children get access to education Food Water Shelter and their longterm needs so there’s a lot of things that can be done and we need all of you to stand up to support children worldwide [Music] a [Music]

「世界の平和を願ってアクションする」という趣旨しに賛同した著名人がボランティアで参加し、平和への願いを込めてデザインしたTシャツ を続々と発表。
その利益の全額は、貧困、差別、 暴力、紛争、戦争によって被害を受けた人々 を支援する、国際的な団体へと寄付されます。
平和を叶えるために必要なのは、相手に対する想像力だと思う。綾瀬はるかさんはそう語ります。着る人のしあわせを想って綾瀬さん がデザインしたTシャツも登場。

#PEACEFORALL #LifeWear #Uniqlo

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