
Actress and model Yuko Shinki updated her Instagram on June 22, showing off-shots from the July/August issue of fashion magazine "ar. In the post, she called out, "Please check it out ♡," and showed several off-shots of her loosely curled hair and black outfit. She showed a shot of her full face, a shot of her making a kissy face, and a shot of herself in a mirror taking a selfie. The post received a number of comments such as, "Too cute smile and bangs," "All the best, all the speed, cute! I’m healed by your best smile," "I got Yuko-sama’s kiss," and "I was hit by your smile even more than usual," were among the many comments raving about Shinki’s smile.

In the post, she called out, “Please check it out ♡,” and showed several off-shots of her loosely curled hair and black outfit.
 She showed a shot of her full face, a shot of her making a kissy face, and a shot of herself in a mirror taking a selfie.

 The post received a number of comments such as, “Too cute smile and bangs,” “All the best, all the speed, cute! I’m healed by your best smile,” “I got Yuko-sama’s kiss,” and “I was hit by your smile even more than usual,” were among the many comments raving about Shinki’s smile.

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